yet Direction Specify

// The Article comes from a conversation with Gemini, the reason is that I encounter the topic
// from time to time and just let it be. But this time, I’d like to close the issue.

Since I installed Splatoon3, I f*cked up. Right before dinner I played for 2 hours, and now is ten’o’clock. I want to open my Switch.

I wonder how could I establish a healthy gaming habit, for my quiting gameplay not so fast. I know my self so well, that play videogame for one week continuously. I’d left the game aside, never get it a chance to breathe. For example, Animal Crossing, Slay Spire.

I suppose, a healthy gaming pattern, should be work in the next one hour, for that play a half hour. And I suppose that I cannot keep that, I would just keep breaking promises I set yesterday, leaving me a bad feeling about myself.

There could be something wrong with myself, that I lock myself, letting my self cannot breathe in both work and game. I suppose status like this:a guy enforce himself to unintentionally follow a image he pictured: would be dangerous, easy-to-go-bad.

Now I feel body-tired, and I want to play videogame, I suppose myself just want to escape from reality, not wanting gameplay.

And I feel directionless, something was missing in my heart.